Visiting the ancient lands of the Inca, but not sure where to start? It can be overwhelming, but I can help! This is my ultimate Peru travel itinerary, plus a little bit of Bolivia and Chile. Once I graduated college, I did a 3 week backpacking trip to these places. Most people may not have that kind of time, so this itinerary can be chunked into smaller visits too! Some links in this post are…
- Category: Bolivia -
The Salar de Uyuni, or salt flats of Uyuni, is easily one of the most ethereal places on earth. During a backpacking trip in Peru and Bolivia, I spent 2 days in this magical place. Here is how I'd describe my tour of the Salar de Uyuni, and what you can expect: |All photos taken by myself or my husband| Some links in this post are affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something…
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